And just to lighten things up a little – Art and Humour

Filed under Art, Exhibitions, The Triangle Theory

(Danish below)

Humor, art and Frello – a fawlty exhibition

Friday 31 August Kl. 14.00-16.00, Århus, Denmark.

The John Cleese Festival begins with the opening of a python art exhibition and tour of the festival’s installations, video screens and artworks – and a talk: What is art? And what is amusing?

An exhibition about humor and art raises two major questions: Is it art? Does it make you laugh? Among other contributions. we have the artist Leah Robb, who will refer to her painting of the comical artist, Otto Frello when presenting her Triangle Theory – a tool she uses to judge whether a work has artist merit or not.

Click the link below for more info.


There will be debate and bubbles.


Humor, kunst og Frello – en Fawlty fernisering
Fredag 31. august Kl. 14.00-16.00, Århus.




John Cleese Festival åbner med en fernisering af en pythonsk kunstudstilling og rundvisning i festivalens installationer, videoer-screens og kunstværker – og en talk: Hvad er kunst? Og hvad er sjovt?

En udstilling om humor og kunst rejser to store spørgsmål: Er det kunst? Er det sjovt?

Bl.a. har vi kunstmaleren Leah Robb, som tager udgangspunkt i sit maleri af den komiske kunstner, Otto Frello, når hun præsenterer sin Triangel Teori – et redskab til at bedømme om et værk er kunst.

Klik på linket forneden for mere info.

Der bliver debat og bobler.

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Leah Robb