Gallopperiet - Stadens Museum for Kunst
Gallopperiet -Christiania town's gallery were I exhibited my portraits in 2009.image info -
Thomas Kingo
Oil on Canvas
My first Christiania portrait. Thomas was one of the first Christianites I got to know.
Soldimage info -
Kingo detail
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Thomas Kingo frame
The edge is made of a collage of art by artists the sitter liked. image info -
Tim Weaver
Oil on Canvas over board
Framed with found branches
I met Tim at the Christmas Market in Christiania. He won the hat he is wearing.
£1000/10.000krimage info -
Tim detail.
Tim's portrait was the first to gain a frame - a frame so difficult to make that it spurred me on to make different frames for each person according to their personality.image info -
Grev Lyhne
Oil on canvas over board
Drumstick frame
I met Lyhne in Christiania's Opera building where he regularly performs
£1000/10.000krimage info -
Grev Lyhne close-up
Grev Lyhne was so intense when I first met him I decided to use intense colour in his portrait. Among other things, Lyhne is a drummer.image info -
Jesper Sølling
Oil on canvas over board
Iron frame
Jesper is a bike mechanic.
£1100/11.000kr image info -
Jesper Sølling detail
Jesper has an angular face. I chose therefore to carve him out in paint using a pallette knife. I have yet to paint another portrait this way. The background is painted with a brush.image info -
Oil on Canvas over board
Boat wood frame
Rink was a fisher so I made his outer frame from boat wood.
£600/6000krimage info -
This painting was done in one sitting using one colour of oil paint and a cloth to wipe the paint off with.image info -
Frank - Double Identity, No Identity
Oil on canvas
Boat wood frame
Frank is half Greenlander, half Dane.
£1,000/10.000krimage info -
Frank detail
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Oil on canvas
Parasol wood frame
Sketch of a lady from Christiania
£200/2.000krimage info -
Oil on Canvas
Pia is half Greenlander
£200/2.000krimage info -
Oil on canvas
Worm eaten wood
Johan says he is royalty from a former life.
£600/6000krimage info -
Johan's frame
This worm eaten wood is made vulnerable and at the same time interesting by the decay.image info -
Johan Smiling
Oil on canvas
Johan sat with a beer and a big smile and I just had to capture it.This painting puts a smile on my face.
£190/1.900krimage info -
Leif Asterix Hamlet Botwel
Oil on Canvas
Rope frame
"Life is a spiritual process" Leif Asterix.
£1,100/11.000krimage info -
Leif Asterix close-up
The top Leif is wearing has many relevant words on it.image info -
Leif Asterix detail
Life in progress, Therefore the painting is 'unfinished'image info -
Leif Asterix Botwel sketch
I battled with this sketch until it became quite a detailed piece.image info -
Maja kartoffelpigen
Oil on canvas
Framed in found wood
Maja's frame was meant to have a potato imprinted on it, but it sold before I could complete it.
Soldimage info -
Maja Close-up
The buyer passed away and the painting went to auction and is now in Germany.image info -
Maja detail
Maja and two other girls were given the identities of "potato girls", because they moved into a house in Christiania that was tied up in controvery with the previous owner. image info -
Oil on Canvas
Painted found wood
A little boy whose father trades in Christiania's street
Soldimage info -
Charlotte Smed
Oil on Canvas
Iron frame built by Charlotte
The background painting is based on Christianite painter, Henrik Schütze's work
£1000/10.000krimage info -
Charlotte Smed close-up
Henrick Schützes painting was yellow where I painted it green. I made the change to help bring out the skin colour.image info -
Oil on canvas
My first impression of Inge was based on the contrast between her attire and the colourful fruit and veg she was selling.
£1000/10.000kr image info -
Inge close-up
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Inge - edge of frame
Inges gothic appearance makes a strong impression. I painted her over the edge of the canvas to create that impression of her being very close - almost confrontational.image info -
John Andersen
Oil and Graffiti paint on MDF board
154x80cm John is Christiania's local minister and joiner. He has Faith, Hope and Love for this Town
£1400/14.000krimage info -
John Andersen Close-up
John is a visionary person. He once wrote an article where he compared hippie ideals to Jesus' message - hence the symbolism in the background. image info -
John Andersen door
John Andersen is a joiner. I therefore used joinery to make the panels behind which his portrait is found. image info -
The Art of Collaboration
Oil on canvas (curtain material)
Frame made of beams
This is a collaboration between passers-by, the pictured artist and myself.
£4,500/45.000krimage info -
The Art of Collaboration - close-up
Passers-by were given access to spray paint and a large empty surface. Once filled with various motifs, Anders Schmidt who is portrayed here turned the chaos into a backdrop I could paint his portrait into.image info -
Anders Schmidt
Someone sprayed silver paint onto the canvas without permission, but it actually could come off with turps. I removed it from behind his head to bring back some of the vibrance of colour that it had hidden.image info -
Anders Schmidt hands
I allowed some of the silver paint from underneath the figure to show through the hooded top. On the whole, the silver paint was a blessing in disguise.image info -
Anders Shmidt - tattooed leg
Anders is an airbrush artist, graffiti artist and tattooist. Some of the images on his leg are visible in the background graffiti.image info -
The Art of Collaboration - detail
Many random people, young and old have been involved in making this painting. This is a close-up of some of the work produced.image info -
Theo Saxe Leslie
Oil on canvas
Not technically from Christiania, but a frequent visitor during his final year at school.
£900/9.000krimage info -
Theo Saxe Leslie - detail
Am young man with very intense eyes - gripped and merging with the cosmosimage info -
Oil on canvas
Frame made of found wood
This is not quite a self-portrait even though I am in it.
£1700/17.000krimage info -
Corrosion/Resoration detail
This painting represents my first and second impressions of Christianiaimage info -
Ida Klemann
Oil on Canvas and collage
Collaged frame
Christiania's bridge makes a pattern in the background.
£700/7000krimage info -
Ida Klemann close-up
Ida is a singer and activist having acted as a bridge between Christiania and the government. The choice of grey paint was to connect the portrait better with the documents pasted into the background.image info -
Ida Klemann - detail
The documents relate to the discussion about Christiania's future. The frame relates to Ida's solo album, End of Blueimage info -
Laurie Grundt
Oil on Canvas
Paintbrush frame
Laurie Grundt is a Norwegian painter who resided in Christiania until 2009. A very charismatic character!image info -
Laurie Grundt - Detail
Since Laurie was leaving Christiania and moving back to Norway, he let me make a frame for his portrait out of his very well-used paintbrushes.image info -
Acid Kim - A last glance
Oil on found canvas
Unravelling woolen frame
Acid Kim passed away 5 months after I painted him.
£1,200/12.000krimage info -
Acid Kim - close-up
Kim confronts the viewer with his stare.image info -
Acid Kim's frame
This frame is made of wool that is unravelling, like his life was when I painted him.image info -
Leah in Christiania Mirror 2
Translated, the words around the mirror literally read "You cannot kill us, we are part of you" - image info -
Leah in Christiania Mirror
I made this mirror with words from a popular Christiania song above and below the mirror. They read "I kan ikke slå os ihjel, vi er en del af jerselv".image info