Category Archives: Exhibitions

Bibliography for the last 10 years

Okt 2019 – Happening outside Den Frie, Oslo Plads 1.
Nov 2018 – Exhibited Addiction exhibition in Gallopperiet, Christiania.
Nov 2017 – September 2018 – outside on Kongens Nytorv 3-5, Den Friere exhibition finds the tourists.
October 2017 – outside Den Frie, Oslo Plads 1, Second Den Friere exhibition – a free-standing door with Censored written on it. A painting and text are ‘inside’ the door.
November 2016 – outside Den Frie, Oslo Plads 1, Opening of Den Friere (The Freer) under a tarpaulin with mulled wine.
July 2016 – Gallopperiet, Christiania, Curated and exhibited in group show titled, The Missing Dialogue.
November 2015 – outside Den Frie, Oslo Plads 1, Small scaffolding placed in front of Den Frie with 2m 40 board to work on.
April 2015 – inside Gallopperiet, Christiania, Curated and exhibited in group show titled, A Dialogue for Peace.
March-Sep 2015 from anti-racism day until ‘soldier’s flag day’ – outside Christiansborg Slotsplads, small scaffolding erected and two paintings dealing with the refugee crisis are created on-site.
April 2016 – Christiania Portraits. Spainen 19, Aarhus, Denmark
Januar 2015 – Christiania Portraits exhibited at Filimbyen, Århus
November 2014 – outside Den Frie, Oslo Plads, central reservation – a protest action against my rejection of the Frello portrait.
Here are pictures from my most recent outdoor exhibitions.
Throughout 2012 – exhibited my Christiania Portraits in various Culture houses and libraries in Copenhagen.
September 2011 – Exhibited my Christiania Portraits in The Gray Hall, Christiania for the 40th anniversary.
July 2009 – Exhibited my Christiania Portraits in Gallopperiet, Christiania.
October 2008 – Exhibited my Christiania Portraits in Det Poetiske Bureau in Griffenfeldsgade, Nørrebro.

Article in Amagerbladet about my Revolution painting

Filed under Art, Exhibitions, Political Art



This article relates to my painting about the USA presidential election with The Wall Street Bull placed symbolically in the centre. Bernie Sanders is trying to bring the symbol of power and wealth under control, while Trump is kissing it with fire protruding from his pants – a reference to his many lies. The painting can be seen in Christiania’s art gallery – Gallopperiet until the 26th March when all artworks are to be taken down.

Editorial mistake; the author of the article has been accredited as the artist by the editor, but the author has accredited me with the art in the article. A bit confusing but perhaps this increases curiosity 😉



Here is an overview of many of the people connected to the Revolution movement. See names on link below.




Link to names:

Supporters of Bernie



Den Friere/The More Independent opens!

Filed under Art, Exhibitions, Political Art

Welcome to Den Friere/The ‘more’ Independent!


Since my Otto Frello portrait was rejected by Den Frie/The Independent, I’ve started creating my own Happenings outside.

First I stood in the central reservation and painted a ‘letter’. (Read about it under the title In the Red Corner/I det Røde Hjørne)


The following year I brought a big board and made a protest where I quoted people who criticised the exhibition for being lacklustre.


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This year I opened Den Friere, which both means The Freer or More Independent because I really think there is something awry

with the snobbery of the elite art world.


Here is a sign showing the way to Den Friere/The more Independent exhibition. One thing that makes it very free is that I sought

permission from the council – which is free – and they don’t censor the content 🙂


Two folks I know from Christiania’s Uncensored February exhibition came along and joined in my exhibition opening. I felt it was

appropriate with a rebel fist for the occasion 😉


To the right is my friend and accomplice, who helped me set up the outdoor exhibition.


Meagre beginnings, but definitely not meaningless. Due to the weather and difficulty transporting the original painting, I had to make

do with a frame high quality copy. The original is a good bit larger.


At the end of the evening, one of the artists I had met last year turned up for some mulled wine. Between last year and this year, I

invited him to take part in an exhibition called The Missing Dialogue, which ran in Gallopperiet, Christiania in July ’16.

To the right of me there is a postbox people could put their contact details in if they wanted to hear more.

Interestingly enough, I got a lot of positive response for the Happening this year. More so than last year. As has been the case every year,

I  got a visit from some of the ‘insiders’ but they were friendly and listened to what I had to say. Maybe they even agreed…

Roll on next year for the next ‘exhibition’/happening 🙂

I’m free!


Art Auction!

Filed under Art, Exhibitions

So the art auction is upon us now! I have counted that I have around 85 artworks going into this auction. Needless to say many of them are small sketches and you won’t need to bid for them – just pay £5-15 and whip them away.

It is an interesting process to go through – pulling out old work and seeing if a little window mount or frame will make it come to life. Many pieces have actually surprised me, which has been nice. I look forward to sharing them with you and giving my parents a little more room.

Here are a few samples showing the variety of work:

3-Pillars Emotion-series-painting-4














Jutemill-painting---large-1 Jutemill-watercolour-1




Large-Blue-face-horizontal Loved





Nude-against-a-wall Nude-Man-sitting






Nude-pencil-drawing Obscured-Vision




The-Bottom-Figure Through-the-Storm




The Masked Painter Returned

Filed under Art, Exhibitions, Personal News

Just a quick note and a few photos:

I did not enter Den Frie’s Open Autumn Exhibition (Kunstnernes Efterårsudstilling) this year because my absolute biggest art challenge that I could have undertaken was rejected in the first round – my Otto Frello portrait. So when that happens, you know that this is not a place you wish to exhibit. They are looking for something else and I will not feed that to them. Instead I found out that the ground in front of Den Frie belonged to the council and not the gallery, so I booked that space from the council and proceeded to do a LIVE performance, or happening for a week from the opening day. It was liberating being able to question the status-quo and use the council’s space to question the art world’s censorship. It must be said that I was difficult to overlook and there was a fair amount of interest in what I was doing.

Here are some photos from the Happening.


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Left. A photo of me talking to some of the people who came to the opening. Right. A portrait of Danish art critic Peter Michael Hornung who reviewed last year’s exhibition and gave it only 3/6 hearts. He wasn’t impressed. This year’s exhibition was, in my opinion better, but I agree with Peter that there are probably a great many people who art part- or full-time artists who do not enter for this exhibition because of its censorship style. He also said that getting into this exhibition is not credited with a public breakthrough like it used to. These were the kind of quotes I used on my board.






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Left. The weather was misty, rainy, windy, but not freezing cold, which was the one thing I had worried about. I was very grateful for my tarpaulin! Every morning of the week. I had to go and check for a lake in the tarpaulin. Every day except one, I found one. Right. Last year, Torben Sangild, one of the censors came over to where I was painting and engaged with me. He wrote an article and gave about 200 words to my critique of the censorship method, trying to explain why it is done the way it is done. I liked him for it as he helped put a focus on the issue which helped open up a debate on-line.




Left. Den Frie can be seen behind me with some of the visitors on the opening night. Right. Jan Falk Borup commented on Sangild’s article. He pretty much stated that the censorship method in general wasted a lot of people’s money because they were already disqualified because their work just didn’t fall into the category of what either the censor board or the gallery is looking for.




Left. Just before they closed the doors I and a friend managed to sneak in through the doors to have a quick look round the gallery. We took a few snaps. Right. A quote from an art blogger who stated that Den Frie doesn’t really introduce us to anything new and hasn’t done that for a long time. In fact this year’s exhibition looked more like a retrospective exhibition from the last 30 years.


It was a brave move to seek permission and work on something of this scale just outside the gallery. Brass-necked even. But I believe in asking questions like this of the art establishment because I will not be the only painter who feels ostracized. And I also wanted to make a statement that just because you can paint portraits that look like they belong in the Golden Age, doesn’t mean you can to performance art and the likes. See you next year 🙂

A Dialogue for Peace – 4th – 26th April in Christiania, Gallopperiet, Denmark

Filed under Art, Exhibitions, Political Art

There  are five days left to see an exhibition I have curated called A Dialogue for Peace. It has been an eventful couple of weeks with input from various artists all dealing with the subject of peace. Within this theme come knowledge and understanding, justice and love.


This painting was painted outside the Danish parliament. It is based on the story of the sun and the wind who compete to get a man to take his cloak off.  My reason for painting this was that I had concerns about the repercussions of the shootings in Copenhagen on Valentine’s day this year. I wanted to create an artwork that encouraged dialogue and peace, not more aggression towards a group of people living in Denmark who are constantly associated with the acts of the few. Here I am with a group of Somalian refugees who were protesting outside the parliemant 24th March 2015 because their cases were taking too long to processed. There were about 100 demonstrators and I don’t believe any politicians came out to speak to them.


Midview and mask - a nod to my protest outside Den Frie

Midview and mask – a nod to my protest outside Den Frie


Leah with Somalian refugees outside the Danish parliament

Leah with Somalian refugees outside the Danish parliament

Leah with Somalian refugees outside the Danish parliament

Leah with Somalian refugees outside the Danish parliament



Sun and the wind painting hung at Gallopperiet, Christiania, Denmark

Sun and the wind painting hung at Gallopperiet, Christiania, Denmark




After meeting the refugees I decided to make a tribute installation describing their situation. There is a portrait of one of the demonstrators and other objects that are thrown in a pile. These objects could be useful, but don’t look it. There is also a ladder that is rotten and going nowhere special – the ceiling is low.

Installation representing the refugees' experience in Denmark

Installation representing the refugees’ experience in Denmark

A refugee painted on a chair seat in a pile of refuse

By Leah Robb – A refugee painted on a chair seat in a pile of refuse

































I was inspired by an artist called Michael Landy who made paper cutout people and had them all over the floor. They were ready for the People Shredder. This installation is one of the most powerful works I’ve ever seen. Anyway, I decided to borrow his idea, but make more obvious differences to the people on the floor. Some people made a point of not standing on anyone, while others just walked right through not looking down.

People, by Leah Robb

People, by Leah Robb




This piece called Propaganda is about the way news has removed itself from serious journalism to ill-informed or outright deliberate misrepresentations of truth for the sake of selling the news. If you can see through the web of propaganda, you may see the truth.

Propaganda, by Leah Robb and Sandra Andersen

Propaganda, by Leah Robb and Sandra Andersen

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Fernisering, Foredrag og Underholdning nu på torsdag 28. aug i Filmby Aarhus!

Filed under Art, Exhibitions, The Triangle Theory


compiled photo

Leah Robb, Filmby Aarhus og Mediedokken inviterer til fernisering og foredrag i Filmbyen 23. Torsdag 28. august Foredrag kl. 15.30 Fernisering kl. 16.00 Underholdning: Ocean van Vleck, der selv er gammel Christianit

Leah Merete Robb er halvt skotte, 37 år, uddannet kunstmaler på Duncan of Jordanstone. For år tilbage satte hun sig for at portrættere menneskene, der lever på Christiania. Mødet med Christiania ændrede Leah Robb for altid. For at komme tæt på, var hun nødt til at leve sig ind i staden og være sammen med de portrætterede i deres dagligdag.

Projekt Christianiaportrætter er resultatet. En samling meget overbevisende oliemalerier af mennesker, der ellers aldrig ville stå model på den måde. Der er Syre Kim, der døde fem måneder senere, der er gymnasieeleven Theo, den grønlandske fisker Rink, og Christianias egen skæve præst, tømreren John Andersen. Men der er også folk som Bifrost-sangeren Ida Klemann, Grev Lyhne, der spillede trommer i punkbandet Parkering Forbudt og stadens ældste mand, den norske maler Laurie Grundt.

I alt 19 meget forskellige portrætter af christianitter, der er fremstillet på hver sin måde, i den kunstneriske stil, som nu passer til dem.

For Leah Robb har der været både en malerisk og filosofisk udvikling. Samtidigt skrev hun bogen ”The Triangle Theory – Objective Criticism of Art”, der tilbyder en metode til at vurdere et værks kunstneriske værdi – uanset om det er et kunstværk, et håndværk eller et nedlagt elværk som Filmbyen.

Foredraget handler om Leahs kritik af kunstkritikken. Andre har beskrevet Leahs bog som “en bombe, der springer kunstkritikernes urørlige borg i luften,” og “modigt har som mål, at finde fast grund i den subjektive sump af meningsløse kunstkritik … dog uden at udelukke det skøre eller chokerende”. Foredraget, som også er blevet holdt på kunstkonferencer i USA, giver stof til diskussion og eftertanke for enhver kreativ kollega, uanset om man er grafiker, journalist, fotograf, filminstruktør – eller overhoved enig.

Multi-kunstneren Ocean van Vleck, der laver musik, teater, humor og film, kommer forbi og giver et nummer – sammen med Leah på perkussion. Ocean, der i dag bor og arbejder i Aarhus, er selv gammel Christianit.

Kontakt Leah Robb på 5023 3126 eller klik på titlen og sende mig en besked.

Leah Robb