Category Archives: Art

Addiction and the Depris left in its wake – New Project

Filed under Art, Exhibitions, Personal News

For over a year I’ve been working on paintings dealing with the nature of addiction and what it is like to love someone who is struggling with it. I am still learning about the way in which my life has been affected by this, both positively and negatively. These artworks are therefore a personal journey and an attempt to start a dialogue between myself as a co-dependant, (consumed by the plight of the addict), those with an addiction and anyone else who joins the conversation.

I will post pictures and sketches here in my blog for you to see, in anticipation of exhibitions in the latter stages of 2018.


This is the first time I am showing the content of this door on-line. More about that in a moment. The door is my exhibition space. It originally was made to stand outside Den Frie/The Independent exibition, because they house KE – a Censored Exhibition – every year that I feel has a counterproductive way of ‘promoting’ up-and-coming artists. It costs between 550.1150kr to enter, with no need for accountability from the panel of judges. I therefore exhibit outside for free every year with the council’s permission and I’m sure that attracts more long-lasting attention than what is happening inside. It is quite entertaining really. Aloong the side of the door frame are the words; Den Friere – The More Independent, because my decision to use public space instead of Den Frie; The Independent, makes me freer!




This is from the two week period the door stood outside Den Frie. The painting itself describes the feeling of having a scream inside that you cannot contain. It needs to be released and the only way is for you to rip yourself open to relieve the pressure. This emotion more specifically, came from the realisation that communication with someone dear to me was crumbling to dust and I seemed unable to stop the wrecking ball from swinging. A very painful period.




The reason for the mask is that Den Frie’s Censored Exhibition KE give ‘faceless’ rejections; just a red dot on-line. So I thought I’d remain ‘faceless’. The word on the door “Censored” can have several interpretations: 1. That me and my painting are censored by Den Frie in terms of being rejected. 2. My painting being censored due to its naked horror. 3. I as a person feel rejected by another person, and the painting is an expression of that feeling of rejection. This is the main motivation for the word on the door. But the layered meaning is deliberate.




With permission from the council, I moved the door to Kongens Nytorv in November 2017 and it has been there since then. It has been visited by hundreds if not thousands of tourists and locals throughout the past 4-5 months.




Here is a letter someone wrote to me, thinking I was C. S. Lewis. But C.S Lewis is who I quoted under the painting, not me. It was nontheless very touching and I appreciate the words of comfort that were expressed to me here.




I like this message! Teresa has understood that love is worth the risk, but that it is a risk.




I like the juxtaposition of the gentleness expressed between this couple and the horror of what it is like when love goes wrong, which they are witnessing.




Compared to outside Den Frie in Østerport where it might have had 5 visitors a day, the door is getting masses of attention in Kongens Nytorv. I think it is visited every 5 mins or so and I’ve had about 60 email addresses or messages in my postbox which is attached to the door. Unfortunately I’ve found the box open at times and I think many messages have blown away too 🙁




As I say, this is the first time I am posting pictures of the content of the door, but it is almost certainly not the first time it has been shown on-line by others. You see friends being photographed as they open the door. I like the intimacy that having a painting behind a door which you have to open yourself creates.




Then, in february someone took a knife to my painting and cut it out of its stretcher! Sabotage! the wires to the lightbulbs were also cut. BUT, when you meet resistance and have a creative streak, you don’t give up or bow out.




The sabotuer did not take the canvas with them, so I decided to try sewing it back in. I pasted contact glue around the seam on the back to stop the seam from running as soon as I started to sew.




I used a strong thread to pull the canvas seam tight once the glue was dry. It was impressively effective considering the amount of tension needed to close all of the seams. I deliberately used a red thread and a varied stitch to create what could look like a sewn together flesh wound.




Back to the content: The painting is called “To Love” and deals with the vulnerability of love. Love is the strongest emotion and can lead to the deepest pain. The quote is by C.S. Lewis and says it like it is; love makes vulnerable. If you don’t want to be vulnerable, then don’t let your heart love anyone or anything. He is not saying, don’t love, he’s just explaining the natural cost.




So here is the new improved version of what I presented originally, now with life-experience similar to the theme of the motif itself. Thanks to the saboteur. I couldn’t have done it without you! Maybe there is a story here about scars in life making us somehow more beautiful, if we are willing to take them and work with them.


Sange til Pårørende/Songs for hearts next of kin

Filed under Art

I partake in an event  called “Songs for hearts next of kin”. My good friend; singer/songwriter Lærke Corfix has written songs that are especially relevant for those who are close to, or have been close to someone facing such large challenges, that their closest kin are buckling under. I will be showing one of my paintings – the one that was sabotaged and is mentioned in the post below.





I will also be reading a poem that expresses how it feels to be that next of kin.

The event takes place in Copenhagen, Købmagergade 52A

Trinitatiskirke this

Tuesday 6th Feb

at 19:30

See link below for more information:

Den Friere udenfor Charlottenborg kunstgalleri, og Det Kongelige Teater

Filed under Art, Creative Process

Siden slutningen af nov 2017 har Den Friere dør stået på Kongens Nytorv 3-5. Værket havde overstået voldsomt stormvejr foran Den Frie på Østerbro, men med sit nye beliggenhed og med den forkerte vinkel kom et vidstød mod værket, der væltede det, og knækkede dørkarmen. Jeg foretog reparationen ude på pladsen med PU lim, skruetvinge, varmedunke og plastik betræk for at beskytte reparationen for det fortsat voldsommen vejr. Da jeg så vejrudsigten, kunne jeg se det nødvendige i, at søge ly et stykke tid da jeg også ville forsegle værket bedre. Jeg fandt ly under en port i Snaregade, og med hjælp af en trækvogn fra Charlottenborg kunstskoles skulptur-afdeling, fik jeg transporteret værket i sikkerhed. Det har været en udfordring at være udendørs kunstner i denne kontekst af regn, kulde og blæst, men at opleve, at indenfor 1 1/2 time fik jeg skaffet mig ly til værket, en trækvogn, nogen, der var villig til at hjælpe mig få værket op på trækvognen og nogen til at hjælpe få værket af trækvognen igen, så følte jeg mig beæret af, den godhed jeg mødte. Her er nogle billeder fra Kongen Nytorv og fra reparationen.


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Den Friere udstilling foran Den Frie og senere tæt på Charlottenborg Kunstgalleri

Filed under Art, Creative Process

Som er blevet tradition for mig, lavede jeg endnu en gang, en udstilling foran Den Frie til Kunstnernes Efterårs Censureret udstilling i slutningen af oktober 2017. Her er nogle billeder fra opbygningsfasen af værket, jeg ville stille udenfor, som en slags modspil til det, der foregår inden på Den Frie. Jeg kalder udstillingen Den Friere, og på døren er der skrevet “Censureret”. Værket indeni døren er en blanding af en maleri, der omhandler det indre skrig, når man føler, at kommunikationen mellem ens selv, og en man elsker nedbrydes, og man er magtesløs, samt en citat af C. S. Lewis, om sårbarheden i kærlighed. De kommer ikke med her, men jeg skrever igen senere, om udviklingen af hvad der er foregået siden værket flyttede til Kongens Nytorv 5, tæt på Charlottenborg kunstgalleri.




Preparing the door, installing lights that turn on when the door opens.




The spiral that keeps the wires together is made from a hairband I bought from The Flying Tiger.





Standing outside my artwork/exhibition in a mask of ‘anonimity’.




The anonymity relates to the fact the Censored exhibition, KE is apparently judged without their knowledge of the applicants, so I thought I might as well continue being anonymous for those who are not interested in my work.





Den Friere (The more Free/Independent) Exhibition outside Den Frie (The Free).




Inside the exhibition. Some good works, but an outrageous amount of empty walls.




A sneak peek at the artwork with one of my viewers.

Article in Amagerbladet about my Revolution painting

Filed under Art, Exhibitions, Political Art



This article relates to my painting about the USA presidential election with The Wall Street Bull placed symbolically in the centre. Bernie Sanders is trying to bring the symbol of power and wealth under control, while Trump is kissing it with fire protruding from his pants – a reference to his many lies. The painting can be seen in Christiania’s art gallery – Gallopperiet until the 26th March when all artworks are to be taken down.

Editorial mistake; the author of the article has been accredited as the artist by the editor, but the author has accredited me with the art in the article. A bit confusing but perhaps this increases curiosity 😉



Here is an overview of many of the people connected to the Revolution movement. See names on link below.




Link to names:

Supporters of Bernie



Kunstkursus på Bellahøjvej 121 – Værkstedet Bella

Filed under Art, Art Classes

Flyer martsb copy

Den Friere/The More Independent opens!

Filed under Art, Exhibitions, Political Art

Welcome to Den Friere/The ‘more’ Independent!


Since my Otto Frello portrait was rejected by Den Frie/The Independent, I’ve started creating my own Happenings outside.

First I stood in the central reservation and painted a ‘letter’. (Read about it under the title In the Red Corner/I det Røde Hjørne)


The following year I brought a big board and made a protest where I quoted people who criticised the exhibition for being lacklustre.


DSCN3959web DSCN3798

This year I opened Den Friere, which both means The Freer or More Independent because I really think there is something awry

with the snobbery of the elite art world.


Here is a sign showing the way to Den Friere/The more Independent exhibition. One thing that makes it very free is that I sought

permission from the council – which is free – and they don’t censor the content 🙂


Two folks I know from Christiania’s Uncensored February exhibition came along and joined in my exhibition opening. I felt it was

appropriate with a rebel fist for the occasion 😉


To the right is my friend and accomplice, who helped me set up the outdoor exhibition.


Meagre beginnings, but definitely not meaningless. Due to the weather and difficulty transporting the original painting, I had to make

do with a frame high quality copy. The original is a good bit larger.


At the end of the evening, one of the artists I had met last year turned up for some mulled wine. Between last year and this year, I

invited him to take part in an exhibition called The Missing Dialogue, which ran in Gallopperiet, Christiania in July ’16.

To the right of me there is a postbox people could put their contact details in if they wanted to hear more.

Interestingly enough, I got a lot of positive response for the Happening this year. More so than last year. As has been the case every year,

I  got a visit from some of the ‘insiders’ but they were friendly and listened to what I had to say. Maybe they even agreed…

Roll on next year for the next ‘exhibition’/happening 🙂

I’m free!


Candidate Commentary on Cards

Filed under Art, Political Art

You may find these drawing interesting. The Trump and Sanders pictures are postcard size and are in a postcard exhibition somewhere in Hungary as far as I know.


Revolution Ripples














Illegal Anatomical Migration


This Hillary Clinton image came to me as I was listening to the news. I dropped what I was doing an made this picture. It is half photoshop and half drawing. I hope you like it. And I hope Bernie and not the other two will still somehow make it to the White House. We will see.


Hillarys 1st 100 days

New Triangle Theory books to be printed!

Filed under Art, The Triangle Theory, Triangle Theory

Front page


Dear anyone who is art interested!
I am preparing to make a new run of hardback books about my art theory, THE TRIANGLE THEORY – OBJECTIVE CRITICISM OF ART.

There are no other books quite like this one.

Of course no one can be completely objective, but the content of this book takes the authority back from the art critics and empowers you, to evaluate art in a more constructive and open-eyed way, both as an artist or as a viewer. I use this when I’m making and viewing art and it has definitely made me a more secure artist and critic.

Send me a message here on fb, if you would like to purchase one:
See some of the content for free here:

The book will cost £25/250kr/$30 plus possible shipping costs.

US 2016 – The Revolution has begun

Filed under Art, Political Art

In around February I came across Bernie Sanders. I became addicted to hearing what he said – not all of it, but most of it. I love his bravery to confront the most powerful people and corporations in America. It has been an incredible listen, and I have seen how his fire has spread across the states as he defies expectations and the media, by growing is popularity and influence at the grassroots level.



US 2016

US 2016

I knew I needed to turn all the time used on viewing youtube clips to something creative. This painting is the result of this inspiration. I had not foreseen how it would have turned out. But once I found the Wall Street Bull which is situated near New York’s Stock Exchange, I built up the narrative around an enlarged version of it.


Another interesting sidenote is, that this painting has been painted on a canvas I inherited from the Frello. It was almost destined to turn out Frelloist-like.



US 2016 Detail 7

US 2016 Detail 7


The people in the crowd are a mixture of Bernie fans, celebrities and politicians – even a banker, who support Bernie.


US 2016 Detail 5

US 2016 Detail 5


It has been interesting studying the election process and how much corruption is reported and how little it seems to affect results. It is mind boggling to consider how hard it is for an outside contender like Bernie Sanders to actually get the nomination in spite of the huge crowds he seems to be drawing.



I hope this painting will solidify what he has done. Even if he doesn’t get te nomination, he has changed the political landscape forever.

Leah Robb